Consultations and Quotes
We welcome you to Opulence- a beautiful haven away from your everyday worries. The perfect place to take some time out and treat yourself to the Opulence experience.

Consultations & Quotes
At Opulence, it’s important we get your look spot on, so you’ll receive an in-depth consultation when you visit.
Your highly trained stylist will take the time to listen to your past experiences, along with your loves and loathes.
We will be upfront and honest with you about how we can achieve your #hairgoals, so you can relax and enjoy the process of having your hair transformed.
We love visuals so remember to bring your inspo pics with you. Together we will help you to choose a style and colour that compliments your skin tone, face shape, lifestyle, maintenance regime and budget.
The services and prices listed on this website are a guide only, as thickness, length, application and techniques vary. For this reason we are happy to provide exact quotes for your customised service only at the time of your in salon consultation.
Alternatively, you may like to book in for a complimentary consultation prior to having your service, and we can quote at this stage.